Thursday, February 4, 2010

12yrs Old Torrent Dog Is Having Discharge And Can Hardly Walk Dog Is 12yrs Old?

Dog is having discharge and can hardly walk dog is 12yrs old? - 12yrs old torrent

Dog discharge is clear and a little white dog began on Sunday morning and has now begun to initiate the same color.


panache said...

I have no idea of the end result of the discharge, but if you barely walk, you need a vet

Saraphina Blue said...

Please bring your dog to the vets overnight. If you are not 24 hours emergency vets near you. If you live in a small town like us. Have you contact your veterinarian or veterinarian if you have a normal and was placed on the next vet, is the night shift. We have done several times with our beloved Chihuahua, before it is necessary to put down.
I'm not saying that your baby needs to be increased in all. But he / she needs to see a veterinarian immediately. Please do not wait.
My best wishes for you and your puppy. Because no matter how many years our pets, they are still babies.

Bird said...

While it may difficult to hear ... It appears that your dog is suffering from age ... Sleep an animal is a gift, if you're in pain ... I would trust a vet in this .... Question in each case, the dog's medical care

Bonzie12 said...

A top dog should be a veterinarian twice a year, and even if there are problems. I suggest the dog to the vet to see what happens.

Sheryl T said...

Go to the vet, who died, the dog can go to the vet something.He be 3.12 times per year, annual accidents.go the veterinarian as soon as possible, the dog is healthy! Sheryl t

doxie said...

Time for a vet visit

b. said...

I can not believe his death

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