Thursday, January 21, 2010

Prawn Allergy How To Cure Allergy To Prawn?

How to cure allergy to prawn? - prawn allergy

You can not cure an allergy. It is the body's response to a substance that is considered toxic. Everyone has to avoid a certain amount of histamine in the blood of certain toxins to enter the system, but the allergy is unnecessary overreaction and the active production of histamine, a substance, in this case the shrimp. Allergies, active mainly in the immune system a little more.

If they had been eating shrimp, and mild allergic reaction, take Benadryl. The best way is to the hospital, but go allergies to nuts, shellfish and fish are the most common life-threatening allergies, and do not take that risk.


Charlieb... said...

You do not have to kill all the shrimp I'm scared! Allergies are really bad news.

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