Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ankle No Swelling Or Bruising Right Ankle Hurts Without Any Swelling, Bruising Or Broken Bones!?

Right ankle hurts without any swelling, bruising or broken bones!? - ankle no swelling or bruising

My right ankle hurt every now and then for about three months. Lately, it hurts more and more often. I've never been hurt and when I went to the doctor a few months ago I had an x-ray and told me I looked good. It does not hurt to touch, no more and no less painful if I walk on them to do it already hurts, like bones. Do not wear high heels, etc. There is no fading of inflammation, nothing! It is as if I am a believer, but I am not. The doctor said it probably had "tissue pain and take Tylenol if it hurts. I am afraid that it is a tumor that grows, or a blood clot! Please help. Thanks!


answergi... said...

hurts more sometimes arthritis from an old injury can be determined in this way, many kinds of arthritis, there is no such thing as a leg brace, but felt in the shin. Go to Web MD and the nature of the symptoms and then with some possible answers to the research. If you start feeling pain in his leg would probably see a doctor, but a blood clot - Why do you think? Follow your instinct to know and see if it does not hurt you, your body better than anyone else, and pain is the way your body tells you - that something is wrong here - take care of him, give him a break.

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