Friday, January 1, 2010

Acid Reflux Alternative Medicine Stomach Pain?

Stomach Pain? - acid reflux alternative medicine

My 10-year-old has stomach pain. We went to the doc again and again and again without success. Initially it was thought that acid reflux, and ulcers, then ... He has recently had a gastro-intestinal tract higher and everything looks good. He also had blood tests for other problems, but everything looks good. This prevents you from eating, which is dissolved in tears, feels it from baseball. Ideas? Any suggestion of alternative medicine? I tried flaxseed oil have, I tried, the bacteria in the colon reconstruction (acidopholous and bifidus) ... vain.

And it could all in your head?


Bufford M said...

This is a situation where we must proceed with caution. The direct answer is: Yes, you can not have any physical problems do not last, however, until all other possibilities are ruled out (threatened a so-called diagnosis of exclusion)

My suggestion is if you have not already to see his son for a pediatric gastroenterologist. I insist that this is a specialist in pediatrics, if possible, should be. The GI doc will make a thorough examination and then, if necessary to do further tests. It seems that all material has been correctly made.

Before deciding to lead a psychological examination, physical ensure that nothing happens.

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